The 41-year old actor is the third Bollywood star, after Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai to get waxed. So following Bachchan again?
“I don’t want to sound pompous and self-centred but I came from Delhi and in the last 18 years I have come a long way. Please don't take it away from me,” said Shah Rukh.
Amongst all the reasons in the world, Shah Rukh seems to like his mother’s reasons for him being at Madame Tussauds the best.
“Like all mums, my mum felt I would be in Madame Tussauds one day, she thought I was very good looking, and she thought that was enough criteria to be here,” he said.
But did he ask the makers to hide his flaws? “I wanted all my flaws included otherwise it would be too sweet and too nice,” clarified Shah Rukh.
The actor seemed genuinely overwhelmed and even got a little philosophical.
“We say it in India that in movies and Bollywood films, it’s a happy ending. And if it's not happy it's not the end. I'm feeling a little scared because this is very happy; so does it also mean the end? And do I feel that I need to do something more? Should I just retire?" he asked.
He had the right mix of humility and pride and wife Gauri certainly approved and quite literally couldn’t keep her hands off him.
“She said it's been a long time since i've seen you look so young and you were only smiling for a change and not being grouchy and answering back,” said Shah Rukh.
So if you want to get up, close and personal with the King Khan himself then this is as real as it gets. He's not leaving Madame Tussuads anytime soon.
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